captcha practice


CAPTCHA Practice

Welcome to CAPTCHA Practice! CAPTCHA stands for "Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart." It's a security measure used on websites to verify that the user is a real person and not a malicious bot. Below, you'll find a series of CAPTCHAs to test and improve your ability to decipher them. Let's get started!

1. Image CAPTCHA:

Please identify the objects in the following image to prove you're human:

[An image containing various objects such as cars, trees, animals, and buildings]

Answer: [Type your answer here]

2. Text-based CAPTCHA:

Read the distorted text and type it below:

Text: "5fG8$e"

Answer: [Type the correct text here]

3. Math CAPTCHA:

Solve the following mathematical equation:

Question: 7 + 3 - 2 4

Answer: [Type the correct answer here]

4. Audio CAPTCHA:

Listen to the audio clip and transcribe the spoken numbers:

[Play an audio clip with a sequence of numbers]

Answer: [Type the transcribed numbers here]


This is a more advanced version of CAPTCHA called ReCAPTCHA. It requires you to solve two tasks - one image-based and one text-based:

Image: [Display an image containing street signs]

Text: "hgT4E"


Image Task: [Type the objects or content of the image]

Text Task: [Type the correct text]

6. Click on the Objects:

Click on all the images that contain a traffic light within a time limit of 20 seconds.

[Display a grid of images, some containing traffic lights]

[User clicks on the images with traffic lights]

Congratulations! You've completed the CAPTCHA Practice.

Regular practice with CAPTCHAs can help improve your speed and accuracy in solving them. This ensures a smooth and secure browsing experience while keeping the bots at bay. Keep up the good work and stay one step ahead of the internet's security challenges!